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Established in November 1989,
Revised on December 16, 2015
1. Establishment of the Editorial Board
According to chapter 7 article 26 of the Korean Society of Steel Construction’s management guidelines, an editorial board should be present in the Society.
2. Review Purpose
The committee is responsible for judging the suitability of manuscripts for the society’s journal.
3. Organization
The editorial board is made up of the following members.
(1) One Editor-in-Chief
(2) Two vice chief editors
(3) A few secretaries
(4) A maximum of thirty editorial committee members
4. Terms of Editorial Committee Members
(1) All committee members serve for two years and can serve a consecutive term.
(2) The term starts on June 1 every year.
5. Designation of Editorial Committee Members
(1) The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the president of the Society.
(2) The vice chief editors and the committee members are appointed by the president of the Society through recommendations of the chief editor.
6. Roles of Editorial Committee Members
(1) Editor-in-Chief represents and supervises the editorial board and manages editorial affairs.
(2) Vice chief editors should support the Editor-in-Chief and act in place of the chief editor in times of an accident.
(3) Secretaries should assist the chief editor and be in charge of all editorial duties assigned by the chief editor.
(4) Committee members should perform all editorial duties of the editorial board.
7. Reviewers
(1) The editorial board should ask three reliable reviewers for the proofs of submitted manuscripts. The reviews of manuscripts must be confidential.
(2) When requesting a revision of the manuscripts, the author’s personal information should be confidential.
(3) The reviews of manuscripts and reviewers should not be open to the public.
8. Reviews of Manuscripts
The review of manuscripts should be done for the relevance of steel structures and other structures using high strength materials and for the contribution of technical products considering the manuscripts’ (1) originality, (2) usefulness, (3) completeness, (4) reliability, etc.
(1) Originality
The contents of research that are related to steel structures and structures using high strength materials should be innovative and should not be commonplace results. The submitted manuscript should be written with author’s own research and should contain the following items.
1) Topics, contents, and resolution should be innovative.
2) Contents should bring up important discussion factors to the academic world and society.
3) Contents should contribute to new explanations for a phenomenon.
4) Contents should stand for technically valuable experiences of creative plans, designs, constructions, etc.
(2) Usefulness
The contents of research should be valuable both engineering-wise and business-wise to the field of steel structures and structures using high strength materials and should contain the following items.
1) Topics and contents should be appropriate for practical applications.
2) Ease to apply in the field of research and technology.
3) Contents provide useful information for research and technology advancement.
4) Contents are profitable to members and readers when accepted to be published.
5) Contents are valuable enough to be chosen for future experimental plans, designs and constructions.
6) Contents provide useful information when problems and public opinions are brought up.
7) Contents provide references for researches or construction works as the materials of experiment and actual measurement.
8) Contents provide new charts and numeration tables which are easily applied to structural design.
(3) Completeness
Manuscripts should be simply and clearly written and readers should be able to easily understand the contents. The following factors will be evaluated.
1) Propriety of overall constitution.
2) Clarity of purpose and result.
3) Clarity of relevance to previously published studies.
4) Propriety of writing expression.
5) Whether or not figures and tables are clear.
6) Propriety of figures, tables, etc.
(4) Reliability
Readers should be able to feel that the study is reliable and that there are no major errors in the paper. The following factors will be evaluated for reliability.
1) All references of important literatures, which have been published previously, should be cited and reasonably reviewed in the submitted manuscripts.
2) Comparison studies with previous results and their evaluations should be objectively compared and analyzed, and the conclusion should be appropriate.
3) Experimental and analytical conditions should be shown clearly.
9. Review Process
The journal follows a double-blind review process, wherein the reviewers and authors are unaware of each other’s identity.
(1) There are five categories for reviews of manuscripts :
namely, “acceptable”, “acceptable with minor revision”, “re-review with major revision”, “not acceptable”, and “return without revision”.
(2) The editorial board makes the final decision about publication for reviewed manuscripts that have received at least two reviews that were “acceptable” or “acceptable with minor revision”.
(3) A manuscript with a review result of “re-review after major revision” is eligible for another review after it is revised. If no report is provided for another review within fourteen days of the re-review, the editorial board can make a decision about publication.
(4) A manuscript that received “not acceptable” needs the revision specifically pointed out by the reviewers. After revision, the improved manuscript can be resubmitted.
(5) If the item-by-item responses and the revised manuscript are not re-submitted within six months from the review notice, the editorial board can finalize the submitted manuscript as “not acceptable”.
(6) Regulations not otherwise specified will follow the editorial board’s decisions.
10. Review Fee
The Society pays prescribed fees to the manuscript referees.