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Established in November 1989
Revised on September 18, 2019
1. Classification of Manuscripts
The manuscripts should imply scientific, technical and artistic contents related to the steel structures and should not be published previously. The classification and contents will be as followings.
1.1 Manuscripts
Manuscripts should have originality in the explanation of theoretical and experimental results and should have appropriate formation.
1.2 Technical Notes
(1) Need not be in the format of a complete manuscript, but new technical achievement should be written.
(2) Revision and correction of published papers.
(3) Contents contributed to research progress and technica development using experiments, actual measurements, new charts, etc.
1.3 Discussion
(1) Debater’s research results related to published manuscripts and technical notes.
(2) Opinions and questions about published manuscripts and technical notes.
2. Requirements of Manuscripts
The requirements of a submitted manuscript are the followings.
(1) Manuscript should be related to the steel structure or other structures using high strength materials such as nonferrous metals and composite materials, etc.
(2) Manuscript should be precise.
(3) Manuscript should be written objectively.
(4) Manuscript should imply contents unpublished work in other journals.
(5) The same manuscript should not be repeatedly submitted in other journals.
(6) Contents of the manuscript should be original.
Even if the manuscript contains some contents that have already been published in the KSSC’s or other association’s journal, if any one of the following items apply, then the manuscript may be submitted according to the editorial board’s judgement.
① Manuscript that added novel opinions and has been newly composed.
② Manuscript combining other manuscripts that were already published into one valuable manuscript.
③ Manuscript that is published in a periodical that is limited to certain readers.
For ease and rightness of the proofs, the authors must reveal the periodical of the published manuscript in the author’s manuscript.
3. Qualification for Submissions
The first author and correspondig author should have full membership of the Society.
4. Submission of Manuscripts
(1) Manuscripts should be submitted to the KSSC’s editorial board.
(2) Manuscripts can be submitted at any time, and the submission ends on the 15th of every month. The review based on the Refereeing Regulations of the KSSC’s will be progressed. The accepted date of the manuscript is based on the day of its arrival at the Society.
5. Format of Manuscripts
The format of manuscript follows the ‘Submission Regulations’ of the KSSC.
6. Submitted Manuscripts
Submitted manuscripts should be edited according to the ‘Submission Regulations’ of the KSSC (use 아래한글 2004 and up or MS Word 2003 and up) and should be submitted to the Society’s journal web site (http://www.kjoss.or.kr, http://www.ksscjournal.or.kr).
7. Serial Publishing Limits
(1) Manuscripts with the same titles but different subtitles may be serially published up to two times.
(2) Manuscripts with the same titles and serial numbers cannot be serially published.
8. Returning Manuscripts
Submitted manuscripts can not be returned.
9. Revision and Correction
Author should revise and correct the manuscript and the author should submit a written answer of revision and correction to the referee.
10. Publishing Fee
(1) Author should pay publishing fee of 100,000 won for an accepted manuscript. For urgent manuscript, author should pay publishing fee of 300,000 won.
(2) Submitted Manuscripts should be maximum of 12 pages. If the manuscript exceeds 8 pages, the author should pay an extra fee of 20,000 won per each extra page.
11. Date of Issue
The Journal of KSSC should be published 6 times a year (on the 27th of every even month).
12. Discussion
(1) Discussion should be submitted within 6 months of publishment and each discussion and response is limited to a single time. Discussion notes should include the author’s response in the Journal. There is no publishing fee.
(2) Discussions are accepted and managed by the editorial board.
(3) Manuscript format should follow the ‘Submission Guidelines’ of the Journal of KSSC. The discussion and its response should not exceed 4 pages.
13. Other
Factors that are not specified in this regulation should follow the ‘Korean Society of Steel Construction’s Referring Regulations and Submission Regulations’ and others should follow precedents.
Contact Information:
Korean Society of Steel Construction
21, Songi-ro 30-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 05801, Korea
Tel. +82-2-400-7101, Fax. +82-2-400-7104
www.kjoss.or.kr, www.ksscjournal.or.kr
E-mail: journal@kssc.or.kr
Established in November 1989,
Revised on September 18, 2019
1. Submission Guidelines
1.1 Procedural Regulations
Submissions of manuscripts to the Journal of the Korean Society of Steel Construction and the procedural rules are:
(1) The contents of manuscripts and submission procedures follow the guidelines of the Journal of the Korean Society of Steel Construction.
(2) Refereeing process conforms to the guidelines of the Journal of the Korean Society of Steel Construction.
1.2 Article Structure
Manuscripts should provide a clear description of the research objectives, methods, variations and creativities.
Manuscripts should include the following lists:
(1) The Korean title
(2) The Korean name of the author and affiliation
(3) The English title
(4) The English name of the author and affiliation
(5) Abstract
(6) Key words
(7) Introduction
(8) Main Subject
(9) Conclusions
(10) Acknowledgement
(11) References
(12) Appendices
(13) Korean abstract
(14) Korean key words
1.3 Usage of Words and Editing
(1) Authors should edit the manuscript individually for effective printing procedure and accuracy.
(2) The manuscript is published after the printing of the completed author’s original paper.
1.4 Tips for Article Structure
1.4.1 Korean and English Titles
1) Titles should be simple and clearly depict the contents of the paper.
2) Titles are required to be written in both Korean and English. The Korean title should be less than 30 letters, and the English title should be less than 15 words.
3) For the English title, the first letter of the words should be capitalized, but prepositions, articles, and conjunctions should not be capitalized.
1.4.2 Author’s Name and Affiliation
The author’s name and affiliation are written in both Korean and English. The author’s position and affiliation are written in Korean under the Korean name. The author’s position and affiliation are written in English under the English name (include the address and postal code). Write the first author’s name on the first lefthand side. The corresponding author is marked with a superscript asterisk (*) on the corresponding author’s name and the “Corresponding author” should be put in a footnote including the phone number, fax number and e-mail address.
1.4.3 Abstract
The abstract should summarize the contents of the article in a concise and written in one paragraph using less than 100 words. Refer to 1.4.11 for information related to the Korean abstract.
1.4.4 English Keywords
A minimum of 5 keywords and a maximum of 10 keywords should be provided. Refer to 1.4.12. for Korean key words.
1.4.5 Introduction
Introduction clearly describes the purpose of the research, the associated principal literature surveys, the scope, the hypothesis and the procedure of the research.
1.4.6 Main Subject
Main subject depicts the basic hypothesis, theory and solution method and provides verification through comparison studies with existing literatures.
1) Chapters, Sections and Subsections
There should be classifications of chapters, sections, subsections, and straplines.
2) Math Formulae and Symbols
Common symbols are used in mathematics, figures and tables and if necessary, a list of symbols (Nomenclature) should be provided.
3) System of Units
The international system of units (SI) should be used.
4) Foreign Words
Foreign words should be written in Korean. If the word is difficult to express in Korean, write the original word in parenthesis.
5) Figures (Photos also) and Tables
Figures and tables are referred as Fig. 1 and Table 1 in the body text. Their contents and captions should be written in English.
6) Referring to Figures, Tables, and Equations
When referring to figures or tables in the main text, they should be shown as Fig. 1 or Table 1.
7) Citation of References
When the references (see 1.4.9) are cited in the main text, citations are indicated with a superscript number after depicting the references.
1.4.7 Conclusions
Summarize the most important results of the research and present the significance and contribution of the article against other similar ones.
1.4.8 Acknowledgements
Funding sources and individuals and academic organizations that provided help during the research may be acknowledged by showing their names.
1.4.9 References
Ensure that the reference cited in the test is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).
1) Organizing References
The references should be written in English. The references should be numbered in the order cited in the body text. (see the example below)
References should be arranged in the following order:
2) References Format
① Journal article: author’s name, published year, title, name of journal, name of organization, number of volume, number of issue, pages, (doi), language (if not English).
② Proceedings: author’s name, published year, title, name of conference/symposium, name of organization/publisher, publisher’s country/location of conference, (volume), pages, (doi), language (if not English)
③ A separate volume journal: author’s name, year, title, name of a separate volume, editor (if available), (number of volume), name of organization/publisher, publisher’s country (if not Korea), pages, language (if not English)
④ Book: author’s name, year, title, (edition), (title of chapter), publisher, publisher’s country (if not Korea), language (if not English)
⑤ Thesis: author’s name, year, type of degree, name of university/College, country (if not Korea), language (if not English)
⑥ Research report: author’s name, year, title, type of report (number), research organization, publisher’s country (if not Korea), language (if not English)
Keep in mind the following guidelines when listing the references.
If there are multiple authors, write down all of them. However, for research reports, the authors’ names may be written as “Ga N.D. et al.” by using the first author’s name only.
1.4.10 Appendix
Appendices may be added in order to supplement the contents of the article and show detailed derivation processes of mathematical formulae. The usage of the appendices should be mentioned in the main text. The format of the Appendix title is identical to the chapter’s format of the main text.
If using more than two appendices, write “Appendix 1. Title”, “Appendix 2. Title” and so on. The numbers and title names are used to distinguish the each Appendix. There is no classification of chapters or sections in the Appendix. Figures, tables, and equations used in the Appendix are numbered consecutively from the numbers of the main text.
1.4.11 Korean Abstract
Korean Abstract should be written in one paragraph using less than 300 letters after Appendices. (If there is no Appendices, then after References)
1.4.12 Korean Key Words
A minimum of 5 Korean key words and a maximum of 10 keywords should be written after the Korean Abstract.
2. Technical Notes
Technical notes should be written following the rules for a research paper. The first page’s title, etc. should be written by following the rules of discussions and answers mentioned in chapter 3 below.
3. Discussion and Answer
3.1 Target of Discussion
The journal article may be discussed in the following cases.
(1) To present supplementary materials related to the original author’s article and technical notes or different materials. (Especially, if two researches that have the same title are performed at different research institutions)
(2) To ask a question about the original author’s research methods and results.
3.2 Discussion Manuscripts
(1) The title of manuscript should be in citation symbol (“ ”) and it should say, 『Discussion on “ ”』. Under the title (the original author’s name), write the volume, issue, and published year.
(2) Write 『Discussion by』 with author’s name. Also write the debater’s membership qualification, affiliation, status, and e-mail address in footnote.
(3) Here, author of journal article is called the original author and the author of discussion manuscript is called the debater.
(4) In order to avoid confusion on the numbers of the original author’s figures, tables, and photos, write the letter D in the number of the debaters’ figures, tables, and photos.
3.3 Closure
(1) The original author should submit the technical note of response about the discussion of original manuscripts.
(2) Write down 『Closure by』.
(3) In the technical note of answer, the author is called responder and the author of discussion manuscript is called the debater.
(4) Write the title, author, volume, issue, and published year in footnote.
4. Copyright and Author’s Responsibility
(1) The copyright and editorial rights of all articles in the Journal belong to the KSSC by submitting COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT after judgement. However, the author has the responsibility for the contents of the articles.
(2) Since copyright problems that occur when citing other’s literary writings are under the author’s responsibility, this issue should be taken aware of.
(3) The corrected articles may be submitted and published for articles that have mistakes of words and phrases which are found after the Journal is published.
(4) For the errors of the contents which is found after the Journal is published, the technical notes may be used for correction and supplementation of the article.
5. The Obligation to Obey Provision
The author must obey the present provisions when writing the articles. If the author does not obey the regulations, the editorial board may take sanctions against the author by deferring the publication.
6. Enforcement Period
This provision become effective soon after reporting to the board of directors.