한국강구조학회 학술지영문홈페이지

Current Issue

Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction - Vol. 36 , No. 6

[ Article ]
Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction - Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 473-482
Abbreviation: J of Korean Soc Steel Construction
ISSN: 1226-363X (Print) 2287-4054 (Online)
Print publication date 27 Dec 2024
Received 02 Dec 2024 Revised 09 Dec 2024 Accepted 09 Dec 2024

패널라이징 합성보(KG보)와 CFT기둥간 엔드플레이트 접합부의 내진성능 평가
서희선1, * ; 정기혁2 ; 진주호3 ; 김대희4 ; 김태정5 ; 이경구6, *
1책임, (주)가우리안, 기술연구소
2선임, (주)가우리안, 기술연구소
3연구소장, (주)가우리안, 기술연구소
4박사, 단국대학교, 건축공학과
5상무, 코오롱글로벌(주)
6교수, 단국대학교, 건축공학과

Evaluation on Seismic Performance of End-Plate Connection between Panelized Composite Beam(KG Beam) and CFT Column
Seo, Hee Sun1, * ; Jung, Gi hyuk2 ; Jin, Joo Ho3 ; Kim, Dae 4 ; Kim, Tae Jeung5 ; Lee, Kyungkoo6, *
1Manager, Technical Research Center, Gaurian Corporation, Goyang, 10401, Korea
2Senior Assistant, Technical Research Center, Gaurian Corporation, Goyang, 10401, Korea
3CTO, Technical Research Center, Gaurian Corporation, Goyang, 10401, Korea
4Ph.D., Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Dankook University, Yongin, 16890, Korea
5Director, Kolon Global Corp., Gwacheon-si, 13837, Korea
6Professor, Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Dankook University, Yongin, 16890, Korea
Correspondence to : *Tel. +82-31-8005-3742 Fax. +82-31-8021-7225 E-mail.

Copyright © 2024 by Korean Society of Steel Construction
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최근 건축물의 품질과 안전관련 문제가 증가하면서, OSC(Off- Site Construction) 구조에 대한 연구가 많이 진행되고 있다. 이러한 연구 중 하나의 결과로 OSC 구조부재로서 패널라이징 합성보인 KG보가 개발되었다. KG보는 ㄷ형강을 사용한 U형 합성보로서, 데크플레이트를 KG보에 공장에서 사전 용접하고 현장에서 볼트 체결을 한 후, 콘크리트를 타설함으로써 보-슬래브 바닥시스템이 형성된다. 이 연구에서는 외다이어프램 형식의 CFT기둥-패널라이징 합성보(KG보) 엔드플레이트 접합부를 제안하고, 이 접합부의 내진 성능을 실험적으로 평가하였다. 실험결과, 제안된 접합부의 회전성능은 강구조 설계기준의 합성중간모멘트골조 요구회전각 0.03 rad.을 충분히 만족하였다.


Recently, as the issues related to the quality and safety of buildings have increased, many researches on off-site construction (OSC) structures have been conducted. As a result of one of these researches, a panelized composite beam, KG beam, was developed as an OSC structural member. KG beam is a U-shaped composite beam using channel. The deck plate is pre-welded to the KG beam at the factory, bolted on site, and then concrete is poured to form a beam-slab floor system. In this study, the external diaphragm type end-plate connection between CFT column and panelized composite beam (KG beam) was proposed and the seismic performance of this connection was experimentally evaluated. The test results showed that the rotational capacity of the proposed connection sufficiently satisfies the required rotation angle of 0.03 rad. for composite intermediate moment frame in the design code for steel structures.

Keywords: Panelized composite beam, KG Beam, Concrete Filled steel Tube (CFT), Oneway Bolt, External diaphragm, End plate connection , Seismic performance
키워드: 패널라이징 합성보, KG보, 콘크리트 충전된 각형강관기둥, 일방향체결 볼트, 외다이어프램, 엔드플레이트 접합부, 내진성능


이 논문은 행정안전부 재난안전산업 기술사업화지원(R&D)사업의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(RS-2024-00417276).

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2. Jin, J., Lee, K., Park, K., Kim, D., and Seo, H. (2022) Seismic Performance Evaluation of Non-Welded Moment Connection (KONNECTION) between Rectangular Tubular Section Column and H-Shaped Beam, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, KSSC, Vol.33, No.6, pp.355–362 (in Korean).
3. Jin, J.H., Seo, H.S., Kim, D.H., Park, K.Y., Kim, T.J., and Lee, K.K. (2022) Experimental Evaluation of Flexural Capacity of KG Composite Beams Using Channels, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of Korean Society of Steel Construction, KSSC, Vol.33, No.1, pp.77–78 (in Korean).
4. Lee, K., Jin, J., Shin, J., Seo, H., and Park, K. (2021) Experimental Evaluation of Square Tubular Section Column to H-Shaped Beam Moment Connections with Slotted Diaphragm, Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, KSSC, Vol.33, No.6, pp.403–411 (in Korean).
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