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[ Article ] | |
Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction - Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 423-431 | |
Abbreviation: J of Korean Soc Steel Construction | |
ISSN: 1226-363X (Print) 2287-4054 (Online) | |
Print publication date 27 Dec 2024 | |
Received 10 Oct 2024 Revised 28 Nov 2024 Accepted 02 Dec 2024 | |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7781/kjoss.2024.36.6.423 | |
강재 복공판의 구조해석 간소화를 위한 하중부담계수 제안 | |
1석사, 한국해양대학교, 토목환경공학과 | |
2한국해양대학교, 토목공학과 교수, 공학박사 | |
3㈜ CTC, 전무이사, 공학박사 | |
Suggestion of Load Burden Factor for Simplified Structural Analysis of Temporary Steel Deck Plate | |
1Master, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, 49112, Korea | |
2Professor, D. Eng., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, 49112, Korea | |
3Executive Director, D. Eng., CTC Co., Ltd. Gunpo, 15807, Korea | |
Correspondence to : *Tel. +82-70-8691-4790 E-mail. haim4190@daum.net | |
Copyright © 2024 by Korean Society of Steel Construction | |
이 연구에서는 복공판 지간에 관계없이 일률적으로 적용되고 있는 하중부담계수의 타당성 및 적용성을 지간길이 2 m, 3 m 및 4 m의 복공판에 대한 전체계 복공판 모델에 대한 구조해석을 통해 검토하고자 한다. 또한, 복공판 지간길이에 따른 보정계수 적용을 통해 이론적 계산 방법에 대한 오차를 감소시켜 보다 정확한 평가를 위한 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 이들 연구로부터 하중부담계수를 로그함수를 사용한 추정식으로 나타내었으며, 이들 식을 적용하여 무늬 H형강 1개에 대한 이론적 계산에 의한 산출된 응력 및 처짐을 보정하면, 복공판 전체계 구조거동과 유사한 거동을 나타내는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
In this study, the validity and applicability of the load burden factor, which has been uniformly applied regardless of the deck plate span, will be examined through structural analysis of a full-system deck plate model with span lengths of 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m. Additionally, by applying correction factors based on the span length of the deck plate, we aim to reduce errors in theoretical calculation methods and propose a more accurate evaluation approach. From this research, the load burden factor was represented as an estimation equation using a logarithmic function. By applying this equation to correct the stress and deflection calculated theoretically for a single checkered H-beam, it was confirmed that the behavior closely resembles the structural behavior of the full-system deck plate.
Keywords: Checkered H-beam deck plate, Load burden factor, Loading method, FE analysis, Structural behavior 키워드: 무늬H형강 복공판, 하중부담계수 , 하중재하 방법, 유한요소해석, 구조거동 |
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2. | Kyung, K.-S., Lee, M., and Lim, M. (2022) Load Capacity of Deck Panels Fabricated with Checkered H-Beam Used in the Field, Magazine of the Korean Society of Steel Construction, KSSC, Vol.34, No.3, pp.41-45 (in Korean). |
3. | Nippon Steel Corporation (2019) Metrodeck, https://www.nipponsteel.com/product/catalog_download/pdf/K015.pdf (in Japanese). |
4. | Korea Temporary Equipment Association (2024) Construction Specification on Temporary Bridge and Deck Plate of Road Surface, KDS 21 45 00 : 2024, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (in Korean). |
5. | Korean Structural Engineers Association (2017) Design Manual of Deck Plate (in Korean). |
6. | GECOSS Corporation (n.d.) GECOSS Deck, https://www.gecoss.co.jp (in Japanese). |
7. | Korean Society of Steel Construction (2019) Guideline of Fabrication and Maintenance of Deck Panels Fabricated with Checkered H-Beam (in Korean). |
8. | Lim, K.M., Kyung, K.S., and Jeon, J.C. (2024) Characteristics of Structural Behavior on Deck Plate Fabricated with Checkered H-Beam, Journal of Korean Society Steel Construction, KSSC, Vol.36, No.6 (in Korean). |
9. | Korean Institute of Bridge and Structural Engineers, and Korea Railroad Research Institute (2021) Bridge Design Load (Limit State Design), KDS 24 12 21 : 2021, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (in Korean). |