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[ Article ] | |
Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction - Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 411-421 | |
Abbreviation: J of Korean Soc Steel Construction | |
ISSN: 1226-363X (Print) 2287-4054 (Online) | |
Print publication date 27 Dec 2024 | |
Received 10 Oct 2024 Revised 28 Nov 2024 Accepted 29 Nov 2024 | |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7781/kjoss.2024.36.6.411 | |
무늬 H형강 복공판의 구조 거동 특성 | |
1석사, 한국해양대학교, 토목환경공학과 | |
2한국해양대학교, 토목공학과 교수, 공학박사 | |
3㈜ CTC, 전무이사, 공학박사 | |
Characteristics of Structural Behavior on Deck Plate Fabricated with Checkered H-beam | |
1Master, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, 49112, Korea | |
2Professor, D.Eng., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan, 49112, Korea | |
3Executive Director, D. Eng., CTC Co., Ltd. Gunpo, 15807, Korea | |
Correspondence to : *Tel. +82-51-410-4464 Fax. +82-51-410-4460 E-mail. kyungks@kmou.ac.kr | |
Copyright © 2024 by Korean Society of Steel Construction | |
복공판은 지하공사 시 굴착현장 주변에 설치하여 지상의 차량 및 보행자의 안전한 통행을 확보함과 동시에 지하공간을 확보하는 구조물이다. 그러나 복공판이 반복적인 차량 하중을 직접적으로 받게 될 경우, 구조적 손상 및 사고 위험이 커지는 문제점이 있다. 이 연구에서는 무늬 H형강으로 제작된 규격 2 m 및 3 m의 복공판 및 장지간화를 도모한 규격 4 m의 복공판에 대한 구조해석을 통해 구조거동을 분석하고 무늬 H형강 복공판의 안전성과 사용성을 검토하였다. 해석결과, 규격 2 m – 4 m의 무늬 H형강 복공판에 대한 이론적 해석(단일 무늬 H형강) 및 전체계 구조해석에 의한 응력은 모든 해석경우에 있어서 허용응력을 만족하여 충분한 구조적 안전성을 가지고 있는 것을 확인하였다.
The deck plate is a structure installed around excavation sites during underground construction to ensure the safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians on the ground while securing underground space. However, when the deck plate is directly subjected to repetitive vehicle loads, there is an increased risk of structural damage and accidents. In this study, structural behavior was analyzed through structural analysis of deck plates made from checkered H-beams, with standard lengths of 2m and 3m, as well as a 4m-long checkered H-beam designed for longer spans. The safety and usability of the checkered H-beam deck plates were reviewed. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the stress derived from theoretical analysis (single checkered H-beam) and overall system structural analysis for checkered H-beam deck plates with dimensions of 2 to 4 meters satisfied the allowable stress in all analysis cases, ensuring sufficient structural safety.
Keywords: Checkered H-beam deck plate, Vehicle driving direction, FE analysis, Maximum bending stress and deflection 키워드: 무늬 H형강 복공판, 차량재하방법, 유한요소해석, 최대 휨응력 및 처짐 |
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